Wednesday, 25 January 2017

dmesg gives me incomplete xfer (0x48

Trying to troubleshoot an intermittent issue with a USB stick control, so was looking at the kernel messages with


this gave hundreds of these incomplete xfer messages.

google didnt turn up much, other than it could be related to the i2c part of the cubieboard.

but.. a search of xcsoar forum reveals...

>"dmesg" gives me xhundred of messages
One or more of these messages might show what´s wrong. "incomplete xfer (0x48)" could be the sensor daemon trying to read from a non-existing sensorboard. 

Rename it (mv /opt/bin/sensord /opt/bin/sensord.bak) and see if it goes away. 

So I did, mv /opt/bin/sensord /opt/bin/sensord.disabled

and it worked !

not sorted the USB remote issue tho :(