Friday, 10 May 2019

soft rf questions

Having difficultly replying to comments due to my work it policy... grr..

anyhow Bambuko asked...

Thank you for this posting!
I also heard whistling noise, so good to have confirmation I am not alone and not imagining things :-)
Connected OK to LK8000 and showing well on glider tracker, but haven't seen any traffic on LK screen yet?...
Maybe wrong settings?
What did you use for alarm setting in SoftRF?
Distance? or Vector?


I only get the whistling sometimes.. which is a distraction... but livable with..

I'm using xcsoar, and the flarm targets appear on the radar screen, the same as with my 'proper' flarm device.

I set the alarm setting to distance, and the targets appear as normal on the screen, and then with a red circle when they get within that range.

If you arent seeing anything, and your sure there are flarms nearby, ( I tested against club aircraft flying overhead and the 'real' flarm in my glider so I was sure there were targets within range), what did you set 'protocol' to ?

it needs to be 'legacy' to get flarm data in the protocol section, not OGNTP as shown here..

At the club again tomorrow, so I'll try and get some in flight screenshots of it in action..